Publications 2009 - 2010

42. Ogi, T., Y. Kaihatsu, F. Iskandar, E. Tanabe and K. Okuyama : Synthesis of nanocrystalline GaN from Ga2O3 nanoparticles derived from salt-assisted spray pyrolysis , Adv. Powder Technol., 20 (1), 29-34 (2009)

43. Iskandar, F., S.G. Kim, A.B.D. Nandiyanto, Y. Kaihatsu, T. Ogi, K. Okuyama: Direct synthesis of hBN/MWCNT composite particles using spray pyrolysis, J. Alloys Compounds, 471, 166-171 (2009)

44. Kim, S.G., N. Hagura, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama, Characterization of silica-coated Ag nanoparticles synthesized using a water-soluble nanoparticle micelle, Adv. Powder Technol., 20 (1), 94-100 (2009)

45. Endo, Y., C. L. Y. Ngan, A. B. D. Nandiyanto, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Analysis of fluid permeation through a particle-packed layer using an electric resistance network as an analogy, Powder Technol., 191, 39-46 (2009)

46. Ogi, T., D. Hidayat, F. Iskandar, A. Purwanto and K. Okuyama: Direct synthesis of highly crystalline transparent conducting oxide nanoparticles by low pressure spray pyrolysis, Adv. Powder Technol., 20(2), 203-209 (2009)

47. Lee, S.-Y., W. Widiyastuti, N. Tajima, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Measurement of the effective density of both spherical aggregated and ordered porous aerosol particles using mobility- and mass-analyzers, Aerosol Sci. Technol. 43, 136–144 (2009).

48. Widiyastuti, W., A. Purwanto, W.-N. Wang, F. Iskandar, H. Setyawan, and K. Okuyama: Nanoparticle Formation through Solid-Fed Flame Synthesis: Experiment and Modeling, AIChE J., 55 (4), 885-895 (2009)

49. Iskandar, F., A.B.D. Nandiyanto, W. Widiyastuti, S.-Y. Lee, K. Okuyama, L. Gradon: Production of Morphology-Controllable Porous Hyaluronic Acid Particles using a Spray Drying Method, Acta Biomaterialia, 5(4), 1027-1034 (2009).

50. Y. Kaihatsu, F. Iskandar, H. Widiyandari, W. N. Wang, and K. Okuyama: Fabrication and Characterization of A Yellow-Emitting BCNO Phosphor for White Light-Emitting-Diodes, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., 12 (3), pp. J33-J36 (2009)

51. Widiyastuti, W., S.-Y. Lee, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Sintering behavior of spherical aggregated nanoparticles prepared by spraying colloidal precursor in a heated flow., Adv. Powder Technol., 20(4), 318-326 (2009)

52. Widiyastuti, W., T. Minami, W.-N. Wang, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama, Photoluminescence Characteristics of Macroporous Eu-doped Yttrium Oxide Phosphor Particles Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 48, 032001 (2009)

53. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., S.-G. Kim, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama, Synthesis of Spherical Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles with Nanometer-Size Controllable Pores and Outer Diameters, Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 120, 447–453 (2009)

54. Munir, M.M., F. Iskandar, Khairurrijal and K. Okuyama: High performance electrospinning system for fabricating highly uniform polymer nanofibers, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 80, 026106 (2009)

55. Suryamas, A.B., M.M. Munir, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Photoluminescent and crystalline properties of Y3-xAl5O12:Cex3+ phosphor nanofibers prepared by electrospinning, J. Appl. Phys., 105, 064311 (2009)

56. Widiyandari, H., M. Miftahul Munir, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama: Morphology-Controlled Synthesis of Chromia-Titania Nanofibers Via Electrospinning Followed by Annealing, Mat. Chem. Phys., 116 (1) 169-174 (2009)

57. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Macroporous Anatase Titania Particle: Aerosol Self-Assembly Fabrication with Photocatalytic Performance, Chem. Eng. J., 152, 293-296 (2009)

58. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., Y. Kaihatsu, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Rapid Synthesis of a BN/CNT Composite Particle via Spray Routes using Ferrocene/Ethanol as a Catalyst/Carbon Source, Mater. Lett., 63(21), 1847-1850 (2009).

59. Yun, K. M., A. B. Suryamas, C. Hirakawa, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: A new physical route to produce monodispersed microsphere nanoparticle-polymer composites, Langmuir, 25(18), 11038-11042 (2009).

60. Joni, I M., A. Purwanto, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Dispersion stability enhancement of titania nanoparticles in organic solvent using a bead mill process, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48(15), 6916-6922 (2009).

61. Joni, I M., A. Purwanto, F. Iskandar, M. Hazata, and K. Okuyama, Intense UV-light absorption of ZnO nanoparticles prepared using a pulse combustion-spray pyrolysis method, Chem. Eng. J., 155(1-2), 433-441 (2009).

62. Wang, W.-N., Y. Kaihatsu, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Chemical and photoluminescence analyses of new carbon-based boron oxynitride phosphors, Mater. Res. Bull., 44(11), 2099-2102 (2009)

63. Yun, K.-M., S.-Y. Lee, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama, N. Tajima: Effect of X-ray energy and ionization time on the charging performance and nanoparticle formation of a soft X-ray photoionization charger, Adv. Powder Technol. 20(6), 529-536 (2009)

64. Hagura, N., A. B. D. Nandiyanto, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: A Role of Template Surface Charge in the Preparation of Porous and Hollow Particle Using a Spray-drying Method, Chem. Lett., 38(11), 1076-1077 (2009).

65. Munir, M.M., A.B.Suryamas, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Scaling law on particle to fiber formation during electrospinning, Polymer, 50(20), 4935-4943 (2009)

66. Lee, S.-Y., W. Widiyastuti, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama, Leon Gradon: Morphology and particle size distribution controls of droplet-to-macroporous/hollow particles formation in spray drying process of colloidal mixtures precursor, Aerosol Sci. Technol., 43(12), 1184-1191 (2009).

67. Purwanto, A., H. Widiyandari, D. Hidayat, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Facile Method for the Fabrication of Vertically Aligned ITO Nanopillars with Excellent Properties, Chem. Mater., 21(18), 4087-4089 (2009)

68. Wang, W.-N., Y. Kaihatsu, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Highly Luminous Hollow Chloroapatite Phosphors Formed by a Template-Free Aerosol Route for Solid-State Lighting, Chem. Mater., 21(19), 4685-4691 (2009).

69. Widiyastuti, W., R. Balgis, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama: Nanoparticle Formation in Spray Pyrolysis Under Low-Pressure Conditions, Chem. Eng. Sci., 65(5), 1846-1854 (2010).

70. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., N. Hagura, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Design of a Highly Ordered and Uniform Porous Structure with Multisized Pores in Film and Particle form using a Template-driven Self-Assembly Technique, Acta Mater., 58(1), 282-289 (2010)

71. Hagura, N., W. Widiyastuti, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Characterization of Silica-coated Silver Nanoparticles Prepared by a Reverse Micelle and Hydrolysis-condensation Process, Chem. Eng. J., 156(1), 200-205 (2010)

72. Iskandar, F., A.B. Suryamas, M. Kawabe, M.M. Munir, K. Okuyama, T. Tarao and T. Nishitani: Indium Tin Oxide Nanofiber Film Electrode for High Performance Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 49, 010213 (2010)

73. Kaihatsu, Y., W. N. Wang, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Controlled Synthesis of Carbon-based Alumina Nanophosphors with Tunable Blue-Green Luminescence, Mater. Lett. 64 (7), 836-839 (2010)

74. Widiyastuti, W., D. Hidayat, A. Purwanto, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Particle Dynamics Simulation of Nanoparticle Formation in a Flame Reactor using a Polydispersed Submicron-Sized Solid Precursor, Chem. Eng. J., 158(2), 362-367 (2010).

75. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., F. Iskandar, T. Ogi and K. Okuyama: Nanometer to Submicrometer Magnesium Fluoride Particles with Controllable Morphology, Langmuir, 26(14), 12260-12266 (2010)

76. Kaihatsu, Y., W. N. Wang, F. Iskandar, T. Ogi and K. Okuyama: Effect of the Carbon Source on the Luminescence Properties of Boron Carbon Oxynitride Phosphor Particles, J. Electrochem. Soc., 157(10), J329-J333 (2010)

77. Lee, S.-Y., L. Gradon, S. Janeczko, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Formation of Highly Ordered Nanostructures by Drying Micrometer Colloidal Droplets, ACS Nano, 4(8), 4717-4724 (2010)

78. Munir, M. M., A. Suhendi, T. Ogi, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Experimental evaluation of the pressure and temperature dependence of ion-induced nucleation, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 124315-1-124315-8 (2010).

79. Yun, K.M., A.B. Suryamas, F. Iskandar, L. Bao, H. Niinuma, and K. Okuyama: Morphology optimization of polymer nanofiber for applications in aerosol particle filtration, Sep. Purif. Technol., 75(3), 340-345 (2010).