
July 13, 2024 E2M Laboratory welcomes guests from the INSPIRASI research collaboration team. Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmad Herman Yuwono, M.Phil.Eng and team from Universitas Indonesia (UI) have visited ITB to discuss our research collaboration. <Photo>  <Photo> <Photo> <Photo> 

July 9-11, 2024 Dr. Fitri Aulia Permatasari attended the Global Conference for Women Leaders and Emerging Researchers in Materials Science (GLOW 2024) at NTU Singapore. She was chosen to receive a travel award and presented her research on quantum dots at the conference. <Photo> <Photo> <Photo> <Photo> Dr. Fitri was also visit the NTU Inspirasi office the day before the GLOW event took place. <Photo>

March 19, 2024 E2M iftar gathering at Paviljoen Hotel Bandung in the Holly month of Ramadhan 1445 H. <Photo>

March 11-17, 2024 Dr. Fitri Aulia Permatasari and Yuvita Kiki Wulandari visited the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK to conduct the neutron scattering characterization. <Photo>

December 04, 2023 E2M Laboratory members we're celebrating Dr. Fitri's achievements on his fellowship winning and welcoming our new members. <Photo>

November 29, 2023 Congratulations to Prof. Ferry Iskandar who received the excellent teaching lecturer on FMIPA's 76th anniversary.

November 24-26, 2023 Prof. Ferry Iskandar, Dr. Fitri Aulia Permatasari, and Dr. Muhammad Alief Irham participated as invited speakers at the Scopus Camp Series #6, focusing on the theme "Writing Retreat Workshop: Developing Research Ideas and Writing for Publication." The event was held in ZHM Premiere Hotel Padang and organized by the Institute for Research and Community Services, Andalas University. <Photo> <Photo>

November 23, 2023 Congratulations to Dr. Fitri Aulia Permatasari honored as one of the recipients of L’Oréal-UNESCO  For Women in Science Indonesia fellowships. <Photo>

November 18, 2023 Congratulations to Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar on his official inauguration as a professor at Institut Teknologi Bandung. During this momentous occasion, Prof. Ferry Iskandar delivered a scientific oration titled "Nanomaterial Innovation for Energy Conversion Applications."<Photo> <Photo> The full recording of the ceremony and scientific oration can be seen here:

November 9, 2023 Dr. Jotti Karunawan, Dr. Muhammad Alief Irham, Putri Nadia, and Fakhrian Hanif Tejo Baskoro visited PT Gotion Green Energy Solutions Indonesia factory in order to observe the technology used in the production process and explore possibilities for future collaboration. <Photo> <Photo>

October 30, 2023 Dr. Muhammad Alief Irham, Dr. Fitri Aulia Permatasari, Reza Umami, S.Si., M.Si, and Arum Sinda Santika, M.Si from the E2M Laboratory, visited UIN Sunan Gunung Djati to exchange research insights and to explore the opportunity for research collaboration. <Photo> <Photo> <Photo>

October 27, 2023 Congratulations to our newly minted doctoral graduates, Dr. Muhammad Alief Irham and Dr. Ea Cahya Septia Mahen! Your dedication, hard work, and scholarly achievements have led you to this remarkable milestone in your academic journey. <Photo> <Photo>

October 26, 2023 Indriyati, M.Eng., Dr. Octia Floweri, Dr. Jotti Karunawan, and Oktaviardi Bityasmawan Abdillah, M.Si, from the E2M Laboratory, visited Pertamina University to exchange research insights and explore collaborative opportunities, including the potential for resource collaboration, such as facilities or student. <Photo> <Photo> <Photo> <Photo>

October 25, 2023 A visit from MIND ID and PT. Timah to E2M Laboratory to discuss a research collaboration. <Photo>  <Photo> <Photo>

October 4-7, 2023 Dr. Octia Floweri and Indriyati, M.Si attended the Scientific Forum of National Collaboration Research in Mulawarman University, Semarang. <Photo> <Photo>

September 23-29, 2023 Dr. Jotti Karunawan visited Prof. Fu Ming Wang's laboratory at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) to undergo research collaboration.  <Photo> <Photo>

August 17, 2023 One of E2M laboratory alumni Dr.Eng. Ricky Dwi Septianto visited E2M laboratory. Dr. Ricky is a doctoral graduate from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He is now a postdoctoral researcher at RIKEN.  <Photo> 

July 29-30, 2023 E2M Family held its Fun Gathering at Kampung Sampireun, Garut. Hopefully, this memorable moment can refresh and recharge our minds and body to reach a great achievement.  <Photo> <Photo>

July  26, 2023  Prof. Ferry Iskandar and Dr. Jotti Karunawan attended the Workshop of Implementation and Evaluation of the Curriculum for the Nano Technology Masters Program and the Nano Science and Technology Doctoral Program, ITB.  <Photo>

July 14, 2023 The Center for Collaborative Research on Advanced Materials for Energy (AEM)  held its coordination meeting. This research collaboration brings together researchers from esteemed institutions ITB, BRIN, MIND ID, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Universitas Indonesia, and Pertamina University. Several members of this research collaboration are alumni of the E2M laboratory.  <Photo> <Photo>. Visit this website for more information about the research collaboration

July 14, 2023 Congratulations to Jotti Karunawan for successfully defending his Doctoral Dissertation. He is the first graduate of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Doctoral Program, ITB. He published 8 papers Q1 and Q2 during his doctoral study and graduated with cum laude honors.  Check out the news about him in this link ( . <Photo> 

June 22, 2023 Congratulations to Muhammad Alief Irham for successfully defending his Doctoral Dissertation. <Photo> 

June 21, 2023 Congratulations to Ea Cahya Septia Mahen for successfully defending his Doctoral Dissertation. <Photo> <Photo>

April 6, 2023 E2M Laboratory iftar gathering at Novotel Bandung. <Photo> 

Jan  28, 2023 E2M members and alumni celebrating the recent promotion of Dr.Eng. Ferry Iskandar to a full professor. <Photo>

Jan 19, 2023 Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar has been promoted to the esteemed rank of Full Professor.

Sep 16, 2022 Congratulations to Fitri Aulia Permatasari for successfully defending her Doctoral Dissertation! She published 11 papers Q1 and Q2 during her doctoral study.

June 26 - 27, 2022 E2m laboratory trip at Grafika Cikole Lembang,  Recharge moment to achieve outstanding research and papers. <Photo>

April 23, 2022 Congratulations to Ahmad sohib, M.Si., Auliya R U, M.Si., Reza Umami, M.Si., and Ahmad Algifari, S.Si. for your graduation.  Reza umami received best graduate in Physics master program.

April 14, 2022 E2M laboratory iftar gathering at Novotel Bandung. <Photo>

January 15, 2022 E2M laboratory sport gathering at Bumi pancasona sport club. <Photo>

November 10, 2021 Our lab member M. Alief Irham joint to RIKEN, Japan through international program associate for energy storage research. 

October 5 - 6, 2021 Our laboratory members Reza umami won the best presenter award at 9th Asian Physics Symposium, virtual conference. 

October 5 - 6, 2021 Our laboratory members Reza umami, Auliya R U, and Ahmad sohib presented at 9th Asian Physics Symposium, virtual conference. 

October 31, 2020 E2M laboratory have conducted an online workshop with the theme "The Use Of Smartphone Sensor For Physics Learning"  for high school physics teacher. <Photo>

October 24, 2020 One of our laboratory members Oktaviardi Bityasmawan Abdillah won 2nd place for the best presentation at International Conference on Science, Infrastructure Technology, and Regional Development (ICoSITeR) with his presentation title "The Influence of Ultrasonic Power on the Properties of Exfoliated Graphite Synthesized by Electro-exfoliation Method". <Photo>

June 29, 2020 We are getting back working in the laboratory with physical distancing and safety protocol. Hopefully, everything will get back to normal as soon as possible. 

April 20, 2020 During the Covid-19 outbreak, we are using an online meeting platform for regular laboratory meetings. We hope everyone is staying healthy and productive. We're no longer in the laboratory but working from home to continue our study and research activity especially literature and scientific writing. <Photo>

April 2, 2020  Our laboratory members have made face shields for Personal Protective Equipment using 3D printer and have donated the face shields for Sumedang Regional Hospital to support their medical staff during the Covid-19 outbreak. <Photo>

December 27, 2019  Dr. Hutomo Suryo Wasisto visiting our laboratory in Physics Department and RCNN (Research Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology) ITB. <Photo>

December 12, 2019 Dr.Ferry Iskandar as  invited speaker at Materials Research Meeting 2019 in Yokohama, Japan. Dr.Ferry Iskandar presenting our laboratory research entitled "Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Carbon Nanostructured Materials and Its Physical Properties ". <Photo>

December 6-8, 2019 Dr.Ferry Iskandar visiting Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for research collaboration with the MIT – Indonesia Research Alliance (MIRA) program. <Photo>  <Photo>

December 1-5, 2019 Dr.Ferry Iskandar attending the Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting in Boston MA, USA. 

November 19, 2019 Muhammad Alief Irham and Putu Hendra W idyadharma and Oktaviardi Bityasmawan Abdillah presented their research at the 6th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT) 2019. <Photo><Photo><Photo>

October 19, 2019 Congratulations to Arung Bahari Muslim S.Si., Dewi Lentang J S.Si., Septia Refly M.Si., Rakhmawati Mauliana P M.Si., and Hilma Eka Masitoh M.Si. for you.  <Photo><Photo><Photo>

October 3, 2019 Ea Cahya, Arung Bahari Muslim, and Dewi Lentang J presented their reseach at The 8th Asian Physics Symphosium (APS) 2019 <Photo> <Photo> <Photo> <Photo

September 26, 2019 Septia Refly, Hilma Eka Masitoh,  and Rakhmawati Muliana Putri presented their research at 7th The International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology ( ICAMST) 2019 <Photo

September 10, 2019 Fitri Aulia Permatasari and Muhammad Alief Irham presented their research at RCNN (Research Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology) <Photo> <Photo>

August 23, 2019 E2M gathering in HDL to celebrate our members who pas through the final defense.  They are Septia Refly, Dewi Lentang, Hilma Eka Masitoh, Rakhmawati Muliana Putri, Arung Bahari Muslim. <Photo>

August 9, 2019 Dr. Ferry Iskandar became a trainer in "Workshop on Publication in a Reputable International Journal" Batch V held by Continuing Education Program CEP – LPPM ITB .

July 19, 2019 Congratulation to Muhammad Alief Irham S.Si  and Putu Hendra Widyadharma S.Si  for your graduation.  They both graduated with cumlaude honor.  <Photo>

May 14, 2019 E2M Iftar Gathering, Ramadhan 1440 H at Novotel Bandung. <Photo>

Feb 28, 2019 Dr. Ferry Iskandar became a trainer in "Workshop on Publication in a Reputable International Journal" held by Continuing Education Program CEP – LPPM ITB.

Feb 26, 2019 A highlight of our research on Battery with USAID SHERA. <Video>

Jan 25, 2019 E2M Laboratory member gathering at Raja Sunda, as we welcoming new members and also a farewell to our previous postdoc Ms. Tirta Rona Mayangsari who was accepted as a lecturer in Universitas Pertamina. <Photo> <Photo>

Nov 26- Dec 1, 2018 Dr. Ferry Iskandar attended the 59th Battery Symposium in Osaka Japan.

Nov 16-17, 2018 E2M Laboratory member as the committee of Seminar Nasional Material (SNM) 2018 <Photo>

Oct 30-31, 2018  Retno Maharsi and Oktaviardi Bityasmawan Abdillah joined the 5th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT) 2018 in Solo presenting their research on battery.

Oct 23-25, 2018 Dr. Ferry Iskandar joined The International Conference on Aerospace and Aviation (ICASA) ITB 2018 to present a tutorial in writing an international journal "Preparing Your Research Paper for a Reputable International Journal" 

Oct 20, 2018 Congratulations to Dina Rahmawati M.Si, Juwansyah Sasmita, S.Pd, M.Si, and Ila Lailatun Sholihah M.Si for your graduation.

Oct 5, 2018 E2M laboratory alumni, Mohamad Insan Nugraha and Prawistin Noorlaely visited E2M Lab. Mohamad Insan Nugraha currently works as a researcher at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Jeddah (KAUST)  <Photo>

Sept 24-26, 2018 Hanifah Harudini Priambudi, Ila Lailatun Sholihah, and Swastya Rahastama joined The 2nd International Conference on Energy Sciences, ICES-2018 in Institut Teknologi Bandung presenting their research

Aug 14, 2018 Dr. Ferry Iskandar received Penghargaan Achmad Bakrie (PAB)/ Achmad Bakrie Awards 2018 in the field of Science by Yayasan Achmad Bakrie with Freedom Institute & Viva Group. <Photo>

Aug 2, 2018 Dr. Ferry Iskandar received MRS-id Excellent Materials Scientist Award at the 3rd MRS-Id Meeting at Denpasar, Bali. <Photo>

Aug 1-2, 2018 Dr. Ferry Iskandar and 8 members (Retno, Ricky, Bram, Melda, Fauziah, Lely, Zen, Dina) attended the 3rd MRS-id Meeting at Denpasar, Bali.  <Photo>

July 27-28, 2018 E2M Laboratory gathering at Ciater Resorts, Subang. <Photo>

July 24, 2018 Member of E2M Laboratory as the Committee of Workshop Materials Characterization  "Advanced Electrochemistry for Energy" at Research Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (RCNN) ITB.

July 20-21, 2018 Congratulations to Ricky Dwi Septianto M. Si. , Bramianto Setiawan M. Si., Fauziah A M. Si., Melda Taspika M. Si., Lale Putri Nurul M. Si., Nur Afifah Zen M. Si., Lely Nuraeni M. Si., Stefanus Wijaya Kurnia S.Si. for their graduation <Photo>

July 6, 2018 Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar have visited Laboratory of Prof. Yoshio Otani and Prof. Seto Kanazawa University, Japan

July 2, 2018 Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar gave a presentation at RIKEN, entitled "Rare Earth Metal-free Photolouminescence materials: The Origin of Boron Carbon Oxynitride (BCNO) Phosphor to the development of Carbon Dots (CDs)"  

July 2 - 13, 2018 Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar have visited Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) RIKEN, Wakoshi, Japan 

June 20 - 30 June, 2018 Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar have visited Laboratory of Prof. Kikuo Okuyama and Dr. Takashi Ogi at Hiroshima University, Japan 

June 4, 2018 Ramadhan breakfasting with member lab at Novotel Cihampelas Hotel, Indonesia 

May 11, 2018 Laboratory gathering at Raja Sunda, this gathering was also a moment for welcoming new members 

April 5, 2018 Congratulation on  Dr. Atika Ahab and Prasiwi Handari Jati S.Si graduation. <Photo>

March 25, 2018 Fitri Aulia Permatasari re-joined  E2M Laboratory after graduating from Hiroshima University for her Master Program. 

March 17-21, 2018 Ricky D. Septianto presented his result at JSAP Spring Meeting 2018,  Tokyo, Japan.

January 26-27, 2018 Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar became a speaker in Workshop on Scientific Writing and Journal held  by National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology, Banjarmasin, Indonesia. <Photo>

January 5-6, 2018 E2M Laboratory members went to Seminar Vacation in Kampung Sampireun Resort and Spa, Garut, West Java.  <Photo>


December 8, 2017  Stefanus Kurnia Wijaya completed the two months internship program in KAIST University, South Korea.

November 30, 2017 E2M Laboratory member have joined the Seminar Kontribusi Fisika (SKF), some of the members presented their research during the seminar. <Photo><Photo><Photo>

November 18, 2017 Morioka Naoya, a visiting student from Kanazawa University have visited Mount Tangkuban Parahu before his return to Japan on November 23, 2017. <Photo>

November 17, 2017 E2M Laboratory alumni that live and study in Tokyo have a special reunion with Dr. Ferry Iskandar. They are Retno Miranti, Ricky Dwi Septianto (RIKEN visiting researcher), Erlandy Dwinanto & Lesandre (Tokyo Institute of Technology) <Photo>

November 15, 2017 Dr. Ferry Iskandar have visited RIKEN Tokyo on his travel assignment to Japan.

October 25, 2017 Dr. Takashi Ogi from Hiroshima University gives a guest lecture at Department of Physics, ITB. <Photo> <Photo

October 25, 2017 Congratulations to Dr. Atika Ahab on a successful defense of her dissertation. <Photo

October 22-24, 2017 E2M Lab Member was the committee and Speaker of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium (NNS) 2017 at El Royale Hotel, Bandung. <Photo><Photo>

October 20, 2017 Congratulation to Suci Khairani M.Si, Utiya Hikmah M.Si, Moch. Wisnu M.Si, Rahmat Hidayat M.Si, Oktaviardi B.A. S.Si, Annisa Fajri S.Si, Catur Dwi A. S.Si and Hidayatul Latifah S.Si for their graduation on October 20, 2017 

October 3, 2017 Oktaviardi Bityasmawan Abdillah and Stefanus Kurnia Wijaya presented their research in International Conference of Electrical Vehicular Technology 2017 (ICEVT)  at Grand Inna Beach Hotel, Bali.  <Photo> <Photo>

September 15, 2017 Morioka Naoya, Magister student from Kanazawa University joining our Laboratory for 3 months research on Carbon Nano Fiber (CNF) by Air Filter. A welcome dinner was held on the first day of his arrival. <Photo>

August 30, 2017 Suci Khairani and Utiya Hikmah presented their research at Asian Physics Symposium (APS) 2017 in East Hall ITB, Bandung. <Photo

August 26, 2017 E2M Lab Member was the Committee and Speaker of the Seminar Nasional Material (SNM)  2017 at the Physics Department Hall, ITB.  <Photo> <Photo> <Photo>

August 21, 2017 General Lectures dan training of XRD by Reza Faisal from Bruker at the laboratory of Research Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (RCNN). <Photo> <Photo> <Photo>

August 9, 2017 Prof. Kamiya Hidehiro from Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology (TUAT) and Prof. Sakai Mikio from The University of Tokyo have visited the E2M Laboratory.  They visited our laboratory in the Physics Department and the laboratory of Research Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology RCNN. <Photo

August 4, 2017 Dr. Erythrina Stavila joined Energy and Environmental Materials Laboratory as a researcher for postdoctoral program.

July 29, 2017 Member of E2M Laboratory as the Committee of Experimental Session in the Summer School Nanoscience 2017 "Fundamental and Applications Emphasizing in Nanomedicine" at Research Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (RCNN) ITB <Photo> <Photo> <Photo> <Photo> <Photo

July 27, 2017 Melda Taspika and Lale Putri Nurul Hidayah presented their research at Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Nasional (SNIPS) 2017 in East Hall ITB, Bandung. <Photo> <Photo>

July 25, 2017 Celebration of E2M lab Member Graduation at HDL <Photo>

July 21, 2017 Congratulation to Retno Maharsi and Zeniar Rosa Pratiwi for their graduation on July 21, 2017 <Photo>

June 2, 2017 Ramadhan breakfasting at Novotel Cihampelas Hotel. <Photo>

April 26, 2017 High School student and teachers from MAN Insan Cendekia Ogan Komering Ilir South Sumatra have visited ITB for their study tour activity. They visited our laboratory and Research Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology RCNN. In this study tour, we shared our research activity to the high school student and we are happy to see their enthusiasm with our explanation. <Photo> <Photo> <Photo>

April 10, 2017 New papers entitled "Composited reduced graphene oxide (rGO) into LiFePO4/Li2SiO3 and its electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) properties" and "Investigation of temperature and concentration dependence of Cu/γ-Al2O3 as catalyst prepared by facile method using urea combustion route" have been published in Materials Research Express Journal volume 4.

March 24, 2017 Laboratory gathering at Bakso Boedjangan, this gathering was also a moment for new members to introduce them self. There are 10 new members in our laboratory this semester <Photo>

February 20, 2017  A new paper collaboration with Prof. Ogi (Hiroshima Univ)  entitled "Facile and efficient removal of tungsten anions using lysine-promoted precipitation for recycling high-purity tungsten" T. Ogi, T. Makino, S. Nagai,  W. Stark, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama has been published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.

February 2, 2017   College student of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) Bali have visited E2M Lab to know more about E2M laboratory research. <Photo>

January 23, 2017   Dr. Ferry Iskandar attended THE 3RD EURO ASIA ZEOLITE CONFERENCE in Bali, Indonesia <Photo>

January 17, 2017   A new paper from E2M Lab member entitled "A Red Emitting of Manganese-doped Boron Carbon Oxynitride (BCNO) Phosphor Materials: Facile Approach and Photoluminescence Properties by Bebeh W. Nuryadin, Fitri A. Permatasari, Ade Y. Nuryantini, Irfana D. Faryuni, Mikrajuddin Abdullah and Ferry Iskandar has been published in RSC Advances Journal. Visit this link to download the paper

January 5, 2017 Our paper entitled "Viscosity Reduction of Heavy Oil Using Nanocatalyst in Aquathermolysis Reaction" by Ferry Iskandar, Erlandy Dwinanto, Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Khairurrijal, Oki Muraza published in KONA Powder and Particle Journal, 33, 3–16 (2016), has won the "Hottest Paper Award 2016" from KONA Powder and Particle Journal.


December 30, 2016  Lab Meeting at CAS Building (Center of Advanced Studies)  <Photo>

December 29, 2016  Fitri Aulia Permatasari from Hiroshima University, alumni of E2M Lab, came to visit E2M laboratory during her year-end holiday in Indonesia.   <Photo>

December 23, 2016 Afternoon Meals at HDL Bandung after Laboratory clean up <Photo>

December 21, 2016 Suci Khairani at Poster Exhibition of Research and Community Services Program of Institut Teknologi Bandung. <Photo> <Photo>

December 15, 2016  Utiya Hikmah and Bramianto Setiawan joined Seminar Kontribusi Fisika as contributed speaker. 

December 14, 2016  Two groups of Senior High School and Junior High School teachers visiting E2M Lab to find out more about research activity in E2M Lab. <Photo><Photo>

December 12, 2016  Nunung Nuraeni won Best ePoster Gold Award of IOMP on International Conference on Medical Physics, 9-12 Dec 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand for her poster entitled "Effect of sintering on the thermoluminescence intensity of CaSo4: Tm with addition of PTFE" <Photo>

December 7, 2016  A new paper from E2M Lab member entitled "Utilisation of the magnetic sensor in a smartphone for facile magnetostatics experiment: magnetic field due to electrical current in straight and loop wires" by R D Septianto, D Suhendra and F Iskandar has been published. Here is the link

December 4-8, 2016  Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar visited Departement of Physics KAIST University, Korea. Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar <Photo> and Dr. Siti Nurul Khotimah from Institut Teknologi Bandung have met Prof. Seung Bin Park during their visit to KAIST University <Photo>

November 2016  E2M laboratory alumni, Irsandi Kurniadi visited E2M Lab   <Photo>

November 26, 2016 Dr. Ferry Iskandar gives a public lecture at Auditorium Campus Center Timur ITB entitled "Karbon sebagai Material Maju dan Aplikasinya". <Video>

November 5-6,2016  E2M Laboratory Outbound Gathering at Ciater Hotspring Water, Subang. <Photo>

October 28, 2016 Diva Addini and Suci Khairani presented their research in Symposium Nanotechnology 2016 in Grand Inna Kuta, Bali. The symposium was held by Research Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ITB. <Photo><Photo>

October 24-26, 2016  Member E2M Lab as the Committee of the 2nd International Conference of Materials Research Society of Indonesia (MRS-ID) Meeting 2016 at the Grand Royal Panghegar Hotel, Bandung.  <Photo>

October 24, 2016 Laboratory alumni, Pipit Uky Vivitasari visited E2M laboratory during her trip to Bandung to attend the MRS-Id Meeting 2016.<Photo>

July 25-27, 2016  Dr.Eng. Ferry Iskandar presenting his research as Invited Speaker at the 1st International Conference on Energy Sciences (ICES) 2016. E2M laboratory Member at the 1st International Conference on Energy Sciences. <Photo>

July, 2016 E2M laboratory member who have graduated in July 2016 <Photo>

June 26-28, 2016  Hilman Imadul Umam at International Conference on Material Engineering and Smart Materials, Singapore.<Photo>

June, 13, 2016  E2M Iftar Gathering, Ramadhan 1437 H at Grand Tjokro Bandung.<Photo>

April 16, 2016 Dr. Eng . Ferry Iskandar as invited speaker of Seminar Nasional Material (SNM) 2016

March, 3, 2016  Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar and Ricky Dwi Septianto at ITB Exhibition 2016 inside Research Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (RCNN)'s booth.<Photo>

Jan, 2016  Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar attend "Foundation Party" held by Kanazawa University Alumni Indonesia.<Photo><Photo>

Jan, 2016  Paper entitled "Role of C-N Configurations in the Photoluminescence of Graphene Quantum Dots Synthesized by a Hydrothermal Route" has been accepted for publication in Scientific Report. Detail paper: Fitri Aulia Permatasari, Akfiny Hasdi Aimon, Ferry Iskandar, Takashi Ogi & Kikuo Okuyama, Role of C–N Configurations in the Photoluminescence of Graphene Quantum Dots Synthesized by a Hydrothermal Route, Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 21042 (2016). doi:10.1038/srep21042. Link:


Dec 30, 2015  News on Tempo online of Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar included as one of the top 25 Indonesian scientists. (

Dec 28, 2015  News on Koran Sindo "Indonesia's top 25 Scientist". (

Dec 21, 2015  Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar as keynote speaker in Seminar Sehari Material 2015. E2M laboratory member as part of Seminar Sehari Material 2015 committee.  <Photo>

Dec 10, 2015 Congratulations to Fitri Aulia Permatasari on receiving LPDP Scholarship. Fitri will continue her master degree in Hiroshima University, Japan.  

Dec 8, 2015 Laboratory members takes part in ITB Poster Exhibition 2015. <Photo>

Nov 11, 2015 E2M Lab Member takes part in Symposium Nanotechnology 2015. <Photo>

Nov 4-5, 2015  Dr. Eng Ferry Iskandar and  E2M laboratory members attended The 6th-Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium (NNS) 2015, Solo, Indonesia. Six members of E2M lab have presented their research result in this conference.<Photo>

Oct 19-20, 2015 Dr. rer. nat. Akfiny Hasdi Aimon attended the Meeting of Southeast Asia Marie Curie Fellows in Bangkok, Thailand. <Photo>

Oct 16, 2015 Graduation ceremony of E2M Laboratory members at Institut Teknologi Bandung. Congratulation to Ricky Dwi Septianto, Namaz Effza Elfathin, Lesandre and Ahmad Yasin Rabbani. Ricky Dwi Septianto has been awarded Outstanding Graduate of Bachelor Degree Program, Dept of Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung. <Photo>

Oct 15, 2015  Yahdi & Maria Wedding Celebration with E2M Laboratory. The married couple is alumni of E2M lab. <Photo>

Sept 21-22, 2015 E2M laboratory members at International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research 2015 (IC-Star) in Universitas Lampung (Unila). Three members of E2M lab (Atika Ahab, Fitri Aulia Permatasari and Ricky Dwi Septianto) have presented E2M laboratory research on this symposium. <Photo>

Aug 10-28, 2015 Irfana Diah Faryuni, alumni of E2M laboratory, a lecturer of Tanjung Pura University have visited E2M lab as guest researchers along with her student Feri Ramdhani. They have done some short experiment in E2M lab for BCNO Thin Film research topic. 

Aug 19, 2015 Dr. rer. nat. Akfiny Hasdi Aimon as a Moderator for Keynote Speaker Prof. Mikrajuddin Abdullah at Asian Physics Symposium (APS) 2015 in Institut Teknologi Bandung. <Photo>

Aug 19-20, 2015 E2M laboratory members at Asian Physics Symposium (APS) in Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Five members have presented E2M laboratory research on this symposium. <Photo>

 July 31, 2015 Graduation ceremony of E2M Laboratory members at Institut Teknologi Bandung. Congratulation to Muhammad Arifin, Gina Hanifah Rahmi, Putri Pratiwi and Fitri Aulia Permatasari for your graduation. Putri Pratiwi, Gina Hanifah Rahmi and Fitri Aulia Permatasari have graduated with cum laude honor. Putri Pratiwi has been awarded Outstanding Graduate of Master Program, Dept of Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung. <Photo>

July 10, 2015 E2M Iftar Gathering, Ramadhan 1436 H at Aston Primera Pasteur. <Photo>

June, 2015 Congratulations to Erlandy Dwinanto, Retno Miranti on receiving MEXT Scholarship and also for Pipit Uky Vivitasari on receiving LPDP Scholarship. All of them will continue their master degree in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. 

May 30, 2015 Majelis Wali Amanat (MWA) ITB visiting Energy and Environmental Materials Laboratory. <Photo>

May 26, 2015 Celebration for Graduation of 6 students from our laboratory (Bebeh Wahid Nuryadin, Agus Rahmat Akmaludin, Fitri Aulia Permatasari, Muhammad Arifin, Gina Hanifah Rahmi, Putri Pratiwi). <Photo> <Photo>

May 26, 2015 Novianto Nur Hidayat from Physics Engineering ITB has joined E2M Laboratory for 3 month research.

April 1, 2015  Dr. rer. nat. Akfiny Hasdi Aimon has joined E2M Laboratory . <Photo

March 2, 2015  Dr. Ferry Iskandar received Award in the field of research from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) on ITB 56th Anniversary.  <Photo>

February 15, 2015 Dr. Ferry Iskandar attending Bilateral meeting of Indonesia and UK on Porous Materials, Nusa Dua, Bali. <Photo>


December 16, 2014  Dr. Ferry Iskandar received Outstanding Intellectual Property Right Award 2014 in the field of Science by Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Agriculture, and Ministry of Creative Economy of Indonesia.  

Desember 1-19, 2014 Matuguma Tomohiro a Magister Student from Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) Japan has visited E2M laboratory for 3 weeks as guest student for his research in Photovoltaic.  

December 13, 2014 Celebration for Dr. Ferry's award and Alumni Meeting at Raja Sunda Bandung <Photo>

December 8, 2014  Dr. Ferry Iskandar attended Joint Reseachers' Workshop 2014, For Korea-Indonesia Joint R&D at Sultan Hotel, Jakarta <Photo>

November 13, 2014 Dr. Ferry Iskandar was awarded the Habibie Award 2014 Category Science by The Habibie Center, Jakarta <Photo> <Photo>

November 10, 2014 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Speaker at "Pelatihan Peningkatan Kemampuan Dosen dalam Menulis Akademik", a workshop to enhance lecturer capability in academic writing, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang. 

Novermber 8, 2014 Dr. Ferry Iskandar as a Moderator in Pannel Discussion at " EMINEX (Engineering Materials and Exhibition) 2014, with theme: "Kedaulatan Sumber Daya Teknologi Material Indonesia". Panelists: Dr. Ir. R. Sukhyar (Dirjen Minerba Kementerian ESDM RI); Ir. Budi Santoso (Ketua Komnas Minerba RI); Dr. Ir. Slameto Wiryolukito (Dosen Teknik Material ITB)) <Photo>

October 11, 2014 Visiting Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort, Subang to celebrate the graduation of 5 laboratory member. Congratulation to our laboratory members who complete their studies; Pipit Uky Vivitasari, Raymond Tanumiharja, Erlandy Dwinanto, Ganjar Kurniawan Sukandi, and Dunden Gilang Muharram <Photo>

October 11, 2014 Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar was awarded the Outstanding Lecturer Award 2014 (Penghargaan Dosen Berprestasi) by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Institut Teknologi Bandung <Photo>

September 28, 2014 Laboratory member Maria Ulfa won the Best Poster Award at The Materials Research Society of Indonesia (MRS-Id) Meeting 2014 based on attendee votes <Photo>

September 26-28, 2014  Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar, co-chairman of the 1st Conference of The Materials Research Society of Indonesia (MRS-Id) Meeting 2014 held in Aston Denpasar Hotel and Convention Center, Bali - Indonesia.  Laboratory member are also the part of conference committee. <Photo><Photo>

June 18-21, 2014 Dr. Lee Myong Hwa (KITECH) visiting ITB and laboratory for the second time <Photo>

June 9, 2014 Celebration of our 6 graduated student from our laboratory (Prawistin Noorlaily, Ch Andre Mailoa, Iskandar, Alfajri Asbahri, Yahdi bin Rus, Retno Miranti) <Photo> <Photo>

April 29, 2014 Prof. Kikuo Okuyama and Dr. Takashi Ogi from Hiroshima University Japan visiting the laboratory <Photo>

February 21, 2014 The E2M lab celebrates Dr. Ferry Iskandar's 40th Birthday. <Photo

February 20, 2014 Studium generale on "Interfacial  problems of sliding contacts in micro/nanotechnologies" at Physics Department ITB with guest lecturer Prof. Dr hab. inz. Zygmunt Rymuza from Warsaw University of Technology <Photo> <Photo>


December 30, 2013 Doctoral Student Ms. Osi Arutanti from Hiroshima University Japan visiting laboratory. <Photo>

December 11, 2013 Laboratory members takes part in ITB Poster Exhibition 2013. <Photo> <Photo>

November 26-28, 2013 Dr. Ferry Iskandar attends Joint International Conference on Rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology, Bali, Indonesia.

November 25, 2013 Dr. Ferry Iskandar attends Diseminasi Proyek Mobil Listrik Nasional (Molina) 2013 Tahap II, Bali. 

October 31, 2013 Prof. Riichiro Saito from Tohoku University Japan visiting ITB and laboratory. <Photo> <Photo>

October 22-24 2013  Dr. Ferry Iskandar and students attending The 5th Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Symposium in Surabaya. During this event, they also get the chance to meet Prof. Okuyama from Hiroshima University Japan who was invited as keynote speaker. <Photo>

October 24, 26 2013  Graduation ceremony of ITB's students. Congratulation to our laboratory members who complete their studies ; Shanty Merissa, Maria Ulfa, Anies Sayyidatun N, Sri Septianty M, and Verry Anggara M. <Photo> <Photo>

October 11, 2013 E2M laboratory member celebrate our member graduation.  <Photo>

September 17-18, 2013 Mr. Bebeh Nuryadin (D3) and Ms. Anggi (M2) presented their research result at The 2013 International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology (ICAMST 2013) Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

 August 27, 2013 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Invited Speaker at "Indonesia Nanofluids Conference" (INAFLIC) in Bandung, Indonesia. Organized by Nuclear Technology Center for Material and Radiometry.

July 29, 2013 Dr. Satria Zulkarnaen Bisri (Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen) visiting ITB and give speeches and scientific presentation. <Photo>

July 4, 2013 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Invited Speaker at "Publikasi Ilmiah, Haki dan Komersialisasi Produk Penelitian" in Bengkulu University (UNIB), a one day training and workshop for scientific publication, intelectual property rights and commercialization of innovation or research product. <Photo>

May 28-29, 2013 Dr. Lee Myong Hwa (KITECH) visiting ITB and laboratory.  <Photo> <Photo>

May 27, 2013  Dr. Ferry Iskandar attended Joint Researcher’s Workshop 2013 for Korea-Asia Joint R & D, Sultan Hotel, Jakarta. <Photo>

March 27-31, 2013 Dr. Ferry Iskandar Visiting Thermal-Fluid Engineering Lab,  Hiroshima University. 

March 16, 2013 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Chairman of "80 years and Inauguration of Prof. M. Barmawi as Honorary Member of Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (AIPI)", Bandung. 

March 4, 2013 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Invited Speaker at Seminar Mingguan Fisika " Nano Teknologi untuk EOR", Institut Teknologi Bandung.

March 3, 2013  Dr. Ferry Iskandar received "Outstanding Paper Award of 2012" from Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan for his paper titled "Influence of Polimer Decomposition Temperature on the Formation of Rare-Earth Free Boron Carbon Oxynitride Phosphors", 45 (12), 995-1000 (2012). <Photo>


Dec 6, 2012 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Invited speaker “Kontribusi Fisika dalam Pengembangan Nanomaterial”, Seminar Kontribusi Fisika, Bandung

Nov 17, 2012 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Invited speaker “Peran Fisika dalam Pengembangan Nanomaterial”, Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.

Nov 8-9, 2012 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Invited Speaker “Fabrication of Nanofunctionalized Materials and Its Applications” The International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung.

Oct 2-3, 2012 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Invited speaker “The Importance of Transverse-Longitudinal Energy Coupling in Modeling of Tunneling Current in Nano MOS Capacitors – A Review”, Solo.

Sep 20-21, 2012 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Invited speaker “Material Development for Energy and Environment Applications” Nanotechnology Applications in Energy and Environment 2012, Bandung.

July 2012 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Visiting Hiroshima University's Research Center for Nanoparticle Synthesis and its application, Japan, with student.   

Feb 12, 2012 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Invited speaker at Seminar Nasional Material 2012 “Aplikasi Nanomaterial Katalis pada Enhance Oil Recovery (EOR)”, Bandung. 


Sep 23 - 25, 2011 Dr. Ferry Iskandar, Chairman of the 4th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium, Bali, Indonesia. <Photo>

Nov 18 - Dec 1, 2010  Diklat Prajabatan CPNS, Batujajar.

Nov 3 and Nov 10, 2010 Dr Ferry Iskandar give a Lectures "Pelatihan Nanoteknologi", B4T, Bandung.

Oct 10 - 15, 2010 Dr. Ferry Iskandar became Jury at International Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMSO 2010), Bali, Indonesia.

Aug 5 -  10, 2010 Dr. Ferry Iskandar became Jury at Mathematics and Science Olympiad (OSN 2010), Medan, Indonesia.

July 1, 2010  Dr. Ferry Iskandar Moved to Institute Bandung Teknologi as Faculty Member.

Oct 26, 2009 Dr. Ferry Iskandar Received Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Awards 2009. <Photo>

Aug 2009  Dr. Ferry Iskandar Received Japan Shoreihi Aerosol Awards 2009.

Aug 28, 2008 Dr. Ferry Iskandar became Noritake Company's Lecturer: "ナノ粒子の性質と応用” Ferry Iskandar and 奥山喜久夫.

Jan.24, 2008   Dr. Ferry Iskandar Received a support for research development award from Hosokawa Micron Foundation.

Nov.29-30, 2007 Dr. Ferry Iskandar was an Organizing Committee of Asian Physics Symposium 2007, Bandung, Indonesia.

Sep.3-5, 2007 Dr. Ferry Iskandar Attending The Third Asian Particle Technology Symposium, (APT2007) Beijing, China (with Dr. Wang, Agus, Widi).

Aug.26-29, 2007 Dr. Ferry Iskandar Attending 5th Asian Aerosol Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (with Prof. Okuyama, and students).

Feb.1, 2007  Dr. Ferry Iskandar Becomes Assistant Professor.

Nov. 2004 Dr. Ferry Iskandar received APT Distinguished Paper Award of Advanced Powder Technology.

Spring, 2003 Dr. Ferry Iskandar received Best Presentation Award for Kanae Yuasa, from the Society of Powder Technology, Japan, at 2003 Spring Symposium, Tokyo.

2001  Paper of Dr. Ferry Iskandar at Nano Letters, 2001 was highlighted in the June 1, 2001 issue of Science   magazine in the Editor's Choice.